Timeline Of Development And Recruitment
PLAYER EXPOSURE (when the time is right)
The recruiting timeline varies for many players. Players cannot commit to college until August 1st of their junior high school year. Factors that impact a player’s timing in being recruited in their Junior or Senior year include, but are not limited, to the following:
- the player’s physical development
- the player’s baseball skills and to some degree the position that he plays
- the level of a colleges participation in active recruiting at a particular time period
- the player’s GPA and test scores
- a school’s desire to continue to follow and watch a player for an extended period of time
Understanding that the development and recruiting process varies amongst all players, we stress being patient with the “process” and continue to focus on areas within the player’s control. Such as:
- Academics
- Baseball training
- Live games
- Physical development — speed/agility/weight training
To provide a better understanding, we have provided a general timeline of “the process” by age group. Remember, the process and timing vary for everyone.
13U and 14U Players
It is very important for players at this age to focus on development and knowledge of the game, physical development and academics. The 2023 NCAA regulations do not permit offers or commitments until August 1 of the player’s junior season.
These years are key in preparation for the high school level of play during the 15-18U travel and spring high school teams. The level of play and talent increases and becomes more competitive at player’s progress through the age groups.
The focus should continue to be on learning the game, developing and improving proper mechanics, and physical development through speed/agility and weight training. The field size changes and you will notice how important the 5 tools (speed, glove, arm, power, hit) have a bigger impact on the game. Team Elite will help you continue to improve and develop these tools through practices, games, instruction and camps. Evaluations will be provided to assist in identification of the areas your player needs improvement.
Focus on academic development. Poor academics can lead to missed opportunities for players to obtain their goals. Develop good study habits! This will be very important when you do start playing college baseball due to the rigorous schedule and demands placed on the student-athlete.
Some players may get some extra attention from showcases, including player rankings. Players should be cautious in their selection of such events to ensure they are impactful and meaningful. The Team Elite coaching staff can assist the player in choosing which camps might be advantageous to attend.
Self-promotion to colleges is not needed at this point. It is key to promote yourself only when you are “physically” ready so the colleges can have the best perception of you as a player. Be patient and keep developing!!
Discussions regarding college placement should be limited to helping your player make a plan and set goals to work towards. Discussions should also include the importance of academics and good study habits.
15U / Freshman Players
As a freshman in high school, continue to focus on academic development. Poor academics can lead to missed opportunities for players to obtain their goal. Develop good study habits! This will be very important when you do start playing college baseball due to the rigorous schedule and demands placed on the student athlete.
Focus should remain to be on learning the game, developing and improving proper mechanics, and physical development through speed/agility and weight training.
Team Elite will help you continue to improve and develop these tools through practices, games, instruction and camps. Evaluations will be provided to assist in identification of the areas your player needs improvement.
Self-Promotion to colleges is not needed at this point. It is key to promote yourself only when you are “physically” ready so the colleges can have the best perception of you as a player. Be patient and keep developing!! If a player is being recruited early, our staff will be contacted by the college coaches to discuss the player and let us know of their interest.
Our Player Enhancement team will be available to answer any questions you have. You can contact our Player Enhancement staff at pe.teamelite@gmail
16U / Sophomore Players
As a Sophomore, learning to play the game at a faster pace is key. Players are faster, stronger and more athletic at this age, increasing the speed of the game. To keep up, train harder to improve athleticism, strength and play a lot of baseball in games that provide strong competition. Continue to pursue good study habits and improve academics.
As in the prior years, focus should remain on learning the game, developing and improving proper mechanics, and physical development through speed/agility and weight training. Team Elite will help you continue to improve and develop these tools through practices, games, instruction and camps. The Player Enhancement team will provide evaluations to assist in identification of the areas of improvement for your player.
Self Promotion to colleges is only needed if your tools are at the expected level for College recruiters. It is key to promote yourself only when you are “physically” ready to be promoted so the colleges can have the best perception of you as a player. Your skills/tools should be at the college level comparing velocity, 60-yard times, etc. If it isn’t your time yet, be patient and keep developing!!
A Player Enhancement staff member will reach out and set up your initial call/meeting to discuss the process, schools of interest. We strongly recommend that by August 1st of your high school junior year, student-athletes create a list of target schools, build a recruiting profile in the TE App by CURVE or alternative, produce a skills video and set up an initial meeting with your assigned Player Enhancement staff member. This can also be a time to begin contacting colleges regarding your interest in their school.
17U / Junior
This is a big year for players in all aspects from development, exposure, college visits, self promotion, learning how to interact with college coaches and preparing the player to play at the college level. Development continues to be a big part of the process but now is the time to focus more on exposure. Your Player Enhancement staff member will be there for you to assist in the college placement process.
Contrary to what is seen on social media, the majority of players are still uncommitted during their junior summer travel season. Many D2, D3, NAIA and JUCCO schools begin their recruiting in the late 17U summer and 18U senior season. The 18U senior fall season is by far the best time for players to be recruited. A key point to understand is that many players gain the attention of colleges during the 17U summer season but that interest often carries over into the fall/winter season before an offer is made.
Self Promotion to key schools that best fits your athletic and academic abilities. It is key to promote yourself to schools that are realistic based on your abilities and academics, that you want to attend and you believe provides the best opportunities to play early in your college career.
If you are a player who happens to receive an offer and decides to commit to a college, then the journey does not stop. (see committed player section) The player will need to continue his development and work hard to progress in all aspects as well as maintain excellent academic standing. Any offer at this point is a “verbal offer”. The offer is not fully completed until the letter of intent is signed in November of your senior year.
18U / Senior
Team Elite takes a lot of pride in helping our uncommitted 18U/Seniors. With 100+ players signing a Letter of Intent each year, we often have 50 or more players that commit between September and May of their senior year.
At Team Elite, as stated in the 17U overview, some players do commit during the 17U Fall/summer season but more commit in their 18U/Senior year. The 18U fall/senior season is by far the best time for players to be recruited. This is where we see the majority of players committing to a school. Many D2, D3, NAIA and JUCCO schools begin their recruiting at this time.
There are many reasons why Colleges are recruiting 18U players. Some of the reasons are listed below:
- Many colleges, especially D2, D3, NAIA, JUCCO don’t start recruiting until the 17U summer and 18U fall seasons. They try to avoid competing against the bigger schools.
- Some players that committed lost their scholarship from academics, off field issues or new coaching staffs
- MLB Draft – many colleges realize their recruits and even current players may be drafted to the MLB which would open spots on the roster
- Scouts can attend games in the fall due to their easier fall schedules
- There are several key 18U events that have a lot of college coaches attending
- Some college coaches hold scholarships purposely for “late bloomers”
Committed Players
As players commit at different times in their careers, it is key to stay on track developmentally and academically. It is important to remember that you don’t sign your letter of intent until November of your senior year.
Below are some reasons that a player who verbally commits doesn’t ultimately sign the letter of intent:
- Become complacent after their commitment and lose drive and work ethic to improve
- “Shutting down” and not playing enough games and believing that only strength speed/agility training is all that is needed
- Academic requirements are not met and the scholarship is rescinded
- Possible changes/turnover in the college coaching staff.
- A scholarship/offer is rescinded due to a player’s off field behavior
- Injury to the player prior to the signing of the NLI
Professional Draft
Some players may get attention from MLB Professional Scouts and have the opportunity to be drafted. If you are fortunate enough to be included in this level of players, the Team Elite staff will assist by helping you understand the process and will provide direction and assistance regarding agent contacts, Pro workouts and the events that a prospect should attend.